My Road Trip Eve Celebration
It really wasn’t that long ago, as the crow flies, that I wedged as much as I could into the Miata and headed out for “about three weeks” to see a bit of the United States before moving to Prague. Probably two months later as I was tooling through the pacific northwest I thought, “man, if I could get someone to pay me to do this I’d never stop.” I did not find anyone to pay me, and eventually I stopped.
But there remains here at Muddled Ramblings and Half-Baked Ideas an echo of that desire, the love of the wind and the sun on the open road, the long stretches wondering if there’s enough gas in the tank, or skidding sideways in a hailstorm, or seeing a ruin at the side of the road with “burgers” still legible on its sloping roof. The occasional glimpse of the Great Unknown. The road still holds a certain magic for me, an american in-between nowhereness, the place where all our dreams are stored.
So please join me in this celebration, and if the first words you utter this muddled year are “elevator ocelot rutabaga,” then good fortune will follow you for the next 365.2422 days.
I’ll join from my current local at the frontier. Here’s
my new Mac at the frontier. Cheers, elvator, ocelot and rutabaga
Happy Road Trip Day, Founders Day and, most of all, Happy Birthday.
Evidently, you haven’t watched any Padres games so far this year.
Another Muddled Year now
Oh and I like ham
EOR (elevator ocelot rutabaga)
eor! eor! eor!
vertical transportation device,
leopardus pardalis,
brassica napus
Squirrely Joe, if you like ham, you would be one happy camper here. Here is the approximate text of an email to That Girl sent from my phone a couple of days ago:
“This one should be easy for you: what’s better than fried pork stuffed with cheese? The answer is of course fried pork stuffed with cheese and bacon.”
I was not exactly eating light that day.
Having fallen behind on newspaper reading, I didn’t get to Wednesday’s newspaper until today, and I looked at the “this day in history” column.
Events of note, especially where road trips and other journeys are concerned, for April 2:
On this day in 1513, Juan Ponce de Leon arrived in what is now Florida.
On this day in 1968, Stanley Kubrick’s movie 2001: A Space Odyssey premiered.
‘like sand through the hourglass…’
Hearty congratulations, Jerry!