Talking ’bout the Weather

It’s spring, and so when I left my little sanctuary this morning (for the first time in a few days) I did not check very carefully what the weather might be like outside. I put on my beloved (crumbling) leather jacket, slapped a baseball cap on my head, and ventured forth.

I was greeted outside the door by a wind that seemed to be especially talented at reaching icy fingers through my clothing and even my skin, chilling my very bones. I had gone perhaps fifty strides when the first popcorn snow started to fall. By the time I got to the corner I was in a blizzard, swirling swarms of little snow nuggets dancing in the wind and finding ways to get down my neck. At least I wasn’t pony-tailed today. It makes a big difference.

Standing at the tram stop was pretty much miserable. There is a small shelter there, but it was already full. I stood in the wind wondering why the hell it was taking so long for the tram to get there. Yeah, buddy, welcome to spring.


4 thoughts on “Talking ’bout the Weather

  1. I was worried that the apricots would ripen while we were on our trip this summer. Mother Nature has taken care of that. We had about 6″ of snow last night and the temperature was 14F (-10C). All the apricot trees in town were in full bloom. Springtime seems to be exempt from global warming.

  2. And I have flower blossoms on my early planting of tomatoes. They may not stick but it’s odd when I see you and others in snow.

  3. And here in New Mexico, the weather is lining up three more storms in the coming week. They’re not all that big, but they all have a chance of dropping some snow in the north, and they’ll all be making for big winds everywhere.

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