fuego has taken to heart my list of things to do before I leave this town; though he was surprised to learn that I had yet to go to a hokej (rhymes with hockey) match during my time here. He has a buddy with connections, and can score cheaper tickets to Sparta games — sometimes as cheap as free.

Beer: check. Hockey: check. Let the fun begin!
fuego had been giving one of my other list items careful consideration as well, and we hopped off the tram when we were partway there to go shopping for hockey jerseys. There was a hockey supply shop that indeed carried jerseys for all the top teams, not just the Prague-based ones. I have been a fan of the Liberec Bíl
Good to hear about big camera making an appearance. My only sporting activities in Tempe have been ASU football (American) and basketball games. I need to get to some hockey out here. Too bad the beer/hockey combo doesn’t work for me.