Wildlife I’ve seen, in no particular order:
- Bear
- Deer
- Birds of all categories, notably eagles, osprey, geese, and a little guy that was picking the bugs out of my radiator
- Big horn sheep
- Bobcat…? It was large, and had a bobbed tail, but it was pure black. Do bobcats come that way? (And yes, it crossed my path)
- People
- Squirrels (both suicidal and non-)
- Mountain Goat
- Coyote
- Bison
- Elk
Animals in captivity:
- Sheep
- Caribou
- Horses
- Cattle
- Llamas (could have been alpacas)
- Ostriches
- One donkey
- People
I debated putting people in the lists, but I’m pretty sure whoever was in that moose suit in Weed felt like a captive animal. Conversely, some of the bikers I’ve seen certainly qualify as wildlife. Of all the animals in captivity, I think the horses were making the best of it. I caught them having fun on several occasions.
As far north as you are, you might have seen a lynx, rather than a bobcat. Lynx are bigger than bobcats, but not as aggressive. I don’t know about solid black, but they do come in a wide range of shades of gray.
Probably the rare antibino lynx!
Ah, the antibino lynx. had I only realized how fortunate I was at the time…
They are pretty rare!
If you cook ’em right! :)