It seems fitting that on Road Trip Day (7.000 on the Muddled Calendar — good golly how time flies) that this site should also find itself at a new home. The journey was not without some bumps and a lot of emails to the tech support team at GreenGeeks. Things seem to be running smoothly today, though, with a one hitch on the back side that should not affect you, the faithful readers.
One thing for sure: the site loads a hell of a lot faster now, and there are still things I can do to make it better yet. Average load time is about 10% of what it was before. That is unbelievably huge.
I’ll be posting a pretty darn geeky episode once I get the last issues ironed out, for people looking for answers to the same questions I had. In the meantime:
Elevator Ocelot Rutabaga, everyone!
You might be tempted to ask why the picture of ollie comes out sideways when you look at the larger version. Honestly, I haven’t the slightest idea.
OK, that’s fixed now, but I realize I also neglected to credit the artist. That drawing is by the Blogcomm’s very own Jesse.
silly guy, spending your birthday fixing your website!