As most of you already know, I like to watch and see just what it is that brings the accidental tourist to this site. Google and its buddies form and extremely important role in the Websphere, finding for people the information they need in this big, disorganized pile of fact and opinion.
The search engines are imperfect, however, and sometimes people end up here.
Usually the search phrase is innocuous, “plate of shrimp” or something like that, but occasionally the search will be interesting, either for the odd phrase or where it linked to. Old-timers can have a little fun chuckling at the resonances between the search and remembered episodes, while newcomers can use this page as a guided tour of some of what has gone before. Search terms I do not want to attract to this page are, as always, haphazardly obfuscated with spaces.
- b o w l i n g ball rack designs – linked to get-poor-quick page, with team b o w l i n g
- what does poop look like in dipper’s? – linked to an episode like this one, in which many of those words were scattered about
- squirrel cult – the SSDC is still popular after all these years…
- obfuscated pronunciation – linked to yet another episode like this one, for obvious, if obfuscated, reasons
- goofy footwear – linked to the observations category page, where I devote a very short episode to the subject.
- haiku on drinking – linked to a description of a very pleasant moment I had. There’s no haiku there, though, just the teaser for the crap shop.
- arrogant assholes – We know what major metropolis that refers to, right?
- “sound of p o w e r” – Linked to an episode about, well, the sound of p o w e r.
- when is the next sign ups for the Kids A m e r i c a n I d l e? – that spelling joke never gets old…
- “pretty b l i n d girl” – linked to an episode about someone I saw waiting for a tram.
- c o w b o y gets pulled over and dances – didn’t check the link, but I figure it probably linked to The C o w b o y God
- b e e r e n a – linked to a episode about a woman in a bar.
- czechs and beer – the two go hand in hand
- m e a t rhymes – linked to an episode about hockey, which is obviously what they were looking for
- st. louis drivers are assholes – I just said they were really bad. And they are. Really, really bad.
- rumble rumble – linked to an episode about grocery shopping in Prague
- team b o w l i n g – already starting to make a splash!
- can’t wait a minute czech lyrics – linked to the main page here
- s q u i r r e l t r a i n e r – linked to the first shocking exposé of the Suicide Squirrel Death Cult. But… who was looking for a s q u i r r e l t r a i n e r anyway?
- death to squirrels – likewise
- triangles in architecture – got quite a few hits on queries like this one, actually, but no architecture guys have chimed in.
- S W E A T CHEESE – the classic Czech dish is back, this time shouted.
- poop explosion photo – linked to the Idle Chit-Chat category. Poop comes up in a lot of queries these days, and gets routed here mainly because of episodes like this one, where I discuss previous poop queries.
- give red flower means pink flower – linked to my erudite and unassailable writings on the meanings of flowers
- funny spiritual stories and pics – because, you know, I’m famous for those…
- night elf breasts – speaking of spiritual stories, I’ve got your spiritual story with elf breasts right here, pal.
- make up ideas after wearing glass for a long time – maybe I should try that, but where do you wear the glass? Linked to the main page here.
- Sunday bloody sunday karaoke – this episode was about the morning after the White Wedding Incident at karaoke.
- SCARY Squirrel THE GAME – linked, surprisingly, to a story in a czech pub.
- site : humtum te – top link! (Um, Yippee, I guess…) Led to an episode with whining in it.
- M e a t parade – everyone loves a parade!
The usuals were there, although egg frying is not bringing in the unsuspecting guests the way it once did. I’ll have to do something about that. And, after all this time denying I have a picture of elk poop, I find that I do have one after all (it’s right there in the middle). Unfortunately no one is coming here looking for elk poop anymore. “M e a t” is becoming an increasingly popular word in searches that bring people here, and I hadn’t considered before just how cool a word that is. I think I’ll say it again. M e a t.