It’s just a bug fix release, and only a couple of bugs at that, but one of them was bad enough to warrant an interim release. will be coming out in a couple of weeks, with fixes to bugs that are merely annoying as well as one other nasty one.
On a side note, someone posted this over at the Hut:
I do believe that no finer program exists for mac, and although I am a little shady in programs for windows, I have not encountered a description of a program I would even think of choosing over this one. In short, I love this program, and just wanted to voice my thoughts on the matter.
You can be sure that I will purchase the eventual commercial version as soon as is is available- it only seems right as I have been using this for almost a year now, and it has helped me so much.
Man, that made my day.
More great news for the friends of the Pirates support network et al. Our man JD called last night to inform the kid that Grub had okay’d the whole brillant plan of giving us a copy of our raw tapes. So that bit of uncertainty is behind us. Sometime next week I will be down there at Vizeon dumping the tapes. I guess there’s still a lot that could go wrong, but it looks like yr. film is about to become a reality. Well, now more than ever I should say.
That is friggin’ awesome! Give my thanks to JD, Grub, et. al.
NOW we’re gonna have us a movie! I can’t wait to see what you can do with it now that the manacles have been removed.
Excellent news, aaargh! Me thinks we should offer a libation o’thanks to Neptune and ye powers o’ the deep.