Trump is Stupid, and Putin Loves him for it.

Like you, I am watching the destruction of our nation happen in real time. Trump could simply put stupid people in charge of our government, but he has to go one further and put stupid people uniquely antagonistic toward their mission in charge of our government.

RFK Jr is a spineless idiot whose only contribution to humanity is the death of 83 people. Actually, that’s just one campaign, it’s pretty clear he has killed many more.

And that’s only the start. We have a QAnon queen in charge of Intelligence. Even the name of the department should disqualify her! She is a puppet of Russia and if I were an intelligence asset in that country I’d be grabbing my go-bag about now. Boebert is so goddam stupid it makes my head hurt.

Oh, and hey, let’s put a sexual predator (and Trump sexual predation enabler) in charge of the department of justice! Why the fuck not? You know this guy will put the law first.

Donald Trump is a stupid man. Really fucking stupid. He honestly doesn’t understand how important his job is. Sure he knows that it makes him a really big deal, but he has no idea at all that there is responsibility that goes with that.

Meanwhile, over in Mother Russia, Vladimir Putin is laughing his ass off. Ukraine is now his. His right to poison dissidents will not be questioned. And all he had to give up were a few flattering words to a little toadstool.


2 thoughts on “Trump is Stupid, and Putin Loves him for it.

  1. Hey, nephew! Hate to disagree with you a bit, but Trump is not completely stupid. He is, however, a sociopathic, malignant narcissist, and , like most wannabe dictators, that makes him have a certain dangerous perspective. He sees the world as his and also as his particular oyster, one that is to be thoroughly chewed and forced down the throats of anyone who opposes him. He cares only about himself and his power as wielded not only by himself, but also through his in-your-face proxy appointments.
    It’s the everyday people he relies on to forget the chaos he inflicted upon average Americans from 2016-2020. That everyday people have short memories, or are in such economic distress that they will believe his lies is what he counts on. And as Hitler is reported to have said: “If I can fill the apartment of the mind (of my followers) with my images and paintings, there will be no room for anything else.” By slogan after slogan and lie after lie, Trump is one of the most masterful propagandists of our time. Another is Putin. And there are others waiting in the wings.
    People who espouse a nondemocratic government, who have no regard for the Rule of Law, also use fear of “The Other”, those particular societal scapegoats, to manipulate the minds of the average person into thinking that Big Daddy will protect them.
    We see that today in the movement to expel immigrants whether legal or not. We see that in the fear that a woman might have control over her own body. We see that in the fear by blue collar white men that someone who does not look like them will take their job. And today it is much worse as people with a weak understanding of how they are being manipulated plunge themselves into obscure anti-social websites that also play on their fears. They get only one perspective.
    People like Trump try to foster enough fear that everyday people will go along with what he says, what he proposes and who he picks as cabinet members.
    For the next two years, the Trump Republicans will not be able to hide from what they will inflict on everyday people. They own all three branches of the federal government and must deliver on promises before the mid-term elections. I doubt they can do that.
    Love, Aunt Marie

  2. I think he has the algorithmic, unconscious ability to say/do exactly as much as he can get away with at any time. It’s almost intelligence, like AI. I prefer the term “idiot souvent” (sic).

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