Today is dedicated to getting something done that you ought to do. I used my ought-to ought-to day to finally get a monthly pass for the transportation system, which involved getting a photo taken. This is to enable the other ought-to: getting out more.
How ’bout you?
I heard someone finally decided they ought-to put the San Diego Compass Learning (Jostens,ESTC) office out of it’s misery….
Met a lot of friends and a wife there.
Yes, I just heard the same thing: waves of layoffs over the next three months. I was unaware of the financial misdeeds of the current leader:
Whose wife?
Is this going to be more significant than the annual purges that they used to have?
My wife!! Marla! She started there long after you all were there if I remember correctly.
I was at a company picnic and the guy mentioned in Keith’s link was making a speech without a microphone. It was outdoors, he didn’t have a microphone and no one could hear him. It was hilarious.
I wish well for the people still left, I hear it’s been hell there with people promoted way over their heads, but they should have left there a looooonnnnnggggg time ago.
They are allegedly finally closing the whole thing down.