Capr, Dlouhý Den

Here is part two of the epic video chronicling my attempts to turn carp into something to eat. I really didn’t feel very sharp as I was shooting this, so the humor is even more sparse than in the first one. In true Hollywood fashion I tried to make up for a lack of substance by increasing production values.


6 thoughts on “Capr, Dlouhý Den

  1. I regret to say that I had no alcoholic beverages of any sort on hand. But most of the carp remains, and soon Im off to the store to find the foods that will best accompany it.

  2. (Typing for Lillian is the ever-popular Gran.) Lillian has this to say:

    “Great! Jerry’s pretty funny, isn’t he?”

  3. I’m guessing it will take quite a while to “find the foods that will best accompany it”. You might just want to go straight to the ideal beverage pairing.

    I’m thinking that two shots of tequila, one beer chaser and a margarita might provide sufficient anesthesia of the taste buds to handle one bite of pickled carp. Move on to a three beers for dessert, and then repeat as desired.

  4. I mentioned your carp tale last night when we had a meeting of the Friday night follies (neighbors came over and we have appetizers and drinks).

    They all wanted to know if you had lived.

  5. mini-me was watching over my shoulder, because I was laughing and must’ve been watching something good.

    “Pack-ould kap?” (big grin, young voice rolling the words around in his mouth, savoring the new sounds)

    then in seriousness.
    big eyes looking up at me for fatherly guidance.
    paternal wisdom.
    he asks…

    “Is that poopy?”

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