An Apology to my San Diego Friends

I was in San Diego yesterday. I debated whether to tell anyone, but in the end this was a hit-and-run trip to the courthouse for a document, with a little time set aside for a trip with my sweetie (and dogs) to Kono’s for a big breakfast and a too-short, very happy visit to Dog Beach.

For those keeping score at home, Kono’s is everything it ever has been.

For my San Diego friends, I promise I will visit again, and next time there will be ‘bertos and Callahans and Tiki and BV and Keith and Mikie and Adam and Jerry S. and all the rest of you. I feel a little guilty, but this trip turned out so very well that I hope you can forgive me and accept my rain check.


4 thoughts on “An Apology to my San Diego Friends

  1. Alas, I regret to inform you Callahan’s has closed. On the bright side, it has been replaced by approximately 1000 tap rooms in Mira Mar/Mira Mesa.
    Our children have moved out, we have a bona fide guest room you and your sweetie are welcome to. We’ll have to negotiate about the dogs (we have Gunner to replace said moved out children).

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