NaNoWriMo coming

and I am ready to go. My story has crowded everything else out of my head, making me even less productive than I was while I was traveling. Is is very hard to wait till saturday to start typing.

NaNoWriMo Plan-O: Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

I read a bit on a site by a software engineer/writer who had a system that really made sense to me, called the snowflake process. I have started to use it to plan my November novel and it has already paid great dividends. It has forced me to pay attention to the parts of the story I had been glossing over in my mind, and I was surprised at how easily ideas came once I forced myself to address them. There was a big hole in the middle of the narrative, and now I know (in a very general way, to be sure) how I’m going to fill it.
