One of the things I do is read. Another thing I do is review what I read. Occasionally, at least. Right now I’m wrapping up a review of a novel I downloaded from xBookstore (where x is an arbitrary letter of the alphabet) and I decided that I should share that review with others who might be interested in the story.
Oddly, I couldn’t figure out how to leave the review from my laptop. Then I realized I couldn’t figure out how to read the story from my laptop. Apparently that’s not a feature of that particular electronic bookstore. You must use an xDevice. Frankly I’m stunned. Boggled.
Also, I have more respect for the people whose reviews appear on that site; they were typed in adverse conditions.
Days after posting this rant, Apple has announced iBooks in the next version of the Mac OS. THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is just how powerful I am.