The Journey Begins

I’m sitting in the Prague Airport right now, waiting to be allowed wait in line to go through security. Oh, yeah, modern travel. The idea that wireless Internet connectivity is a basic human right, right up there with clean drinking water and oxygen, has been slow to take hold in this country (though some parts of Prague are embracing the idea), but I do have access to electricity, so I feel an obligation of sorts to open up the ol’ blog and type something.

Not that there’s much to say, yet. Metro, bus, terminal, check in, get passport stamped, sit. My layover may yield more stories, depending on the policy of the airport concerning overnight stays in the terminals. It’s a long layover.

Well, the travel part of the day (starting in the evening) hasn’t amassed any significant events, but it was a pretty good day doing some shopping with Delilah. No big deal, but a nice break in the frantic cleaning/packing cycle.

I’m sitting right now at the start of one of those moving walkway conveyor belt things to help folks traverse the long corridors that typify modern airports. This particular moving walkway is not moving, however. I would say that roughly half the people who approach it stop on the threshold, pause, and when the conveyor doesn’t come to life they back up and go around, preferring to walk next to the conveyor at exactly the same speed they would travel had they just kept going. Too much thinking. It’s a malady I know only too well, myself.


A soulless hotel bar in Dublin. A well-poured pint of Guinness. A lighter wallet. Free WiFi. A really annoying television program on the flat screen. Won’t be getting much done here.

But I am here, and that’s not such a bad thing.

May as well post this, because I can.


Only I couldn’t. The journey continued in an uneventful fashion, and now I’m in Annapurna’s World Vegetarian CafĂ©. A whim, really; I was heading for Flying star but overshot and the rest is history. I ordered a green chile cheesburger, but they were out of cow. I got the Lebanese Wrap instead, and while it doesn’t have any real Lebanese in it, it is very tasty anyway. The Chinese tea with rose petals is remarkably good as well.

I just got my official NaNoWriMo winner badge. Woo Hoo! I’m still allowed to work on the story for the rest of the day, though. It’s starting to get good.

4 thoughts on “The Journey Begins

  1. A quick Google to find Jerry reveals this as the number one entry for AWVC (Craig’s List):

    Annapurna’s World Vegetarian Cafe
    Reply to:
    Date: 2007-10-29, 8:32PM MDT

    Annapurna’s World Vegetarian Cafe is looking for:

    2 line cooks – Experience necessary, knowledge of vegetarian, vegan, ayurvedic, and gluten-free cuisine preferable. Flexible schedule appreciated, though we’re willing to work with you.

    1 cashier – Looking for someone who is self-motivated, good at multi-tasking, organizing, and interacting with people. Knowledge of vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and ayurvedic cuisine preferred; willing to teach someone who is willing to learn. Barista skills a plus.

    Please bring in a resume or pick up an application at 903 W. Alameda or email your resume to

    * Location: W. Alameda
    * Compensation: Experience dependent
    * Principals only. Recruiters, please don’t contact this job poster.
    * Phone calls about this job are ok.
    * Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.

    PostingID: 463588638

  2. Actually, that’s location #2 (it used to be #3, but the other location #2 closed down), in Santa Fe. Jer was probably at location #1, in Albuquerque, near UNM.

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