I’ve spent the last few days neglecting my czech studies to work on editing The Test, to at least get it into some semblance of a first draft. That’s left me short on words for other purposes, another reason the ‘ol blog here hasn’t grown much lately. Yesterday, finally, I went down to the Cheap Beer Place and tossed off the Feeding the Eels episode below. Still no Internet here at home, which is how I’ve managed to be so productive with the writing.
There are parts of this story I really like, and some that are, well, not as good. Most of them I am just deleting, as the book is already very big. I have accepted that it is the first part of a (most likely) trilogy, but I insist that each volume has a beginning, middle, and end so they can be read individually. Nothing cheeses me more than picking up a book to read that, unbeknownst to me, has no end.
This book is definitely for grown-ups. The industrial revolution is not pretty when you’re at the bottom.
While I’m thinking about it, any feedback on The Monster Within?