This blog has reached a milestone that I think few other personal blogs could boast, and of which I am very proud. You, faithful readers, should be proud also. Not long after Keith became visitor 2000, Jesse posted comment number 1000.
To me, that is a tremendously big deal. It shows that this is our site, not my site, and that’s cool. It certainly helps keep the place interesting even when I’m not, and it adds a rewarding extra layer to the site; there are stories hidden beneath the surface, collective ideas, and nuances that cast the top layer in a new light. That and an increased level of goofiness. (Suicide Squirrels and Kung Fu Brewmasters springing to mind).
A couple of my favorites, for different reasons:
- Another Czech story marks a family milestone and discusses beer
- Bar Curse covers a variety of topics, including squirrels
- Oooohh, My Head discusses hangover cures
- and of course, the classic: Suicide Squirrel Death Cult
I was going to add others (politics has a couple of good ones, for instance), but that was starting to turn into effort. What were your favorites?
Note: as I was digging into the past, I found episodes that I could have sworn had comments before but no longer do. I’ll look into it, but it may mean that in fact there have been WAY MORE comments than I thought when I started working on this episode. You guys rock!