Movie Time!

Last week the Blockbuster Video store in out neighborhood closed forever. On the last day of operation my sweetie and I took a walk over to see what gems they had on their shelves that we couldn’t possibly live without. At three bucks a pop it seemed like a good chance to grab up a few good flicks.

The most exciting acquisition from my point of view is Black Sheep, a light horror film from New Zealand that features… yes, it’s New Zealand so it has to have… zombie sheep. I saw this flick at the Karlovy Vary Film Festival (The Cannes of the East!) with Fuego, at a midnight showing with a thousand other heavy drinkers. Fun was had by all. That disk is scratched up pretty badly and our DVD player is persnickety, so I won’t be able to inflict it on my sweetie until I burn a fresh copy.

Meanwhile, we’ve had some fun with some of the other movies. One night we watched Due Date with Iron Man and Zach Gallafanagashammalammadingdong, followed by Dinner for Schmucks with Steve Carrell and other people I’m told I’ve seen before. The two flicks are pretty much the same story (wacky interloper exposes then heals the vulnerabilities in the other guy’s relationship), but they’re told very differently and are both good date night options. Dinner for Schmucks I especially enjoyed, as Steve Carrell masters a moment of seeming contradiction and makes us believe it.

We also hauled in The Crazies (I think that was the title). Back in the day I’d seen previews for the film and I thought it looked promising. Still, those preview-makers are good at making shit look like caviar. Turns out in this case, while there were a fair number of WTF moments (Why aren’t they staying together?!) the film worked pretty well. The ending was… perfect.

That same night we watched a movie with John Travolta as a shaved-head kinda-wacko secret operative out to whack a bunch of bad guys in Paris. It’s a partner movie, and it’s the other character (played by what’s-his-name) who really grows. It was a fun movie, if you’re able to ignore: a) roughly 5,000 bullets are launched in the direction of the good guys, and only one hits flesh; and b) the writers had no clue at all about electronic countermeasures and routine security procedures. Near the beginning what’s-his-name does something that would be sure to cause a major international incident, but somehow it comes off as success.

So, the flick wasn’t perfect. It was still a fun ride. Audi might be the big winner here, as the car chase figured their logo prominently. My sweetie might have spoken their brand name out loud for the first time in several years.

We still have a big pile of movies to go, from that ridiculous movie with that chick in it to the one where all the people do intense stuff. I can’t wait!


5 thoughts on “Movie Time!

  1. A few additions/amendments:

    Due Date and Dinner for Schmucks we actually rented a couple of weeks before we bought our stash o’ DVD’s, on a particularly crazy weekend when we just decided to go wild, actually rent movies and watch TWO ON THE SAME NIGHT. Yes, you all go ahead and be jealous of our wild urban lifestyle, we would be too if we weren’t living it.

    The other movie we watched on the same night as The Crazies was actually The Men Who Stare At Goats. Which was awesome. From Paris With Love (crazy bald John Travolta movie) was a different night. And the first of the purchased batch that we watched was The Rocker, please don’t tell me you have lost those fond memories.

    “Lot of elevators play Celine Dion, don’t make it right.”

  2. Our neighborhood BB shuttered as well. And we did the same, “Let’s purchase some cheapo movies” thang. Where they suckered us was the close out giant boxes of theater candy. I think we spent more on candy than on movies. Speaking of Audi – Morgan Spurlock of SuperSize Me fame is coming outwith a movie satirizing product placement.

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