Another Muddled Milestone

This blog has reached a milestone that I think few other personal blogs could boast, and of which I am very proud. You, faithful readers, should be proud also. Not long after Keith became visitor 2000, Jesse posted comment number 1000.

To me, that is a tremendously big deal. It shows that this is our site, not my site, and that’s cool. It certainly helps keep the place interesting even when I’m not, and it adds a rewarding extra layer to the site; there are stories hidden beneath the surface, collective ideas, and nuances that cast the top layer in a new light. That and an increased level of goofiness. (Suicide Squirrels and Kung Fu Brewmasters springing to mind).

A couple of my favorites, for different reasons:

I was going to add others (politics has a couple of good ones, for instance), but that was starting to turn into effort. What were your favorites?

Note: as I was digging into the past, I found episodes that I could have sworn had comments before but no longer do. I’ll look into it, but it may mean that in fact there have been WAY MORE comments than I thought when I started working on this episode. You guys rock!

7 thoughts on “Another Muddled Milestone

  1. I do not find it ironic in the least that comments have almost dried up completely since this post. I had a feeling that would happen when I put that kind of pressure on you guys.

    One thing I really look forward to is the next new commenter. Sometimes when the circle is tight and cozy it can be tough for a new voice to join in. It’s understandable, but I have the feeling that we’re all missing out on some good stuff. I know there are regular readers who have never commented. I’d love to hear from them.

  2. As incentive to posters who’ve never posted, I’d just like to say that for being 1000th commenter, Jerry gave me a free toaster, with crumbs, and a dirty glass with some dried scotch in the bottom.

  3. Speaking of Czech stories, Jay Leno had a Czech supermodel on his show this evening (OK, now it’s technically yesterday evening), and she was talking about how he doesn’t take enough time for himself, and he should take more vacations. She invited him to “come with me to St. Tropez and Prague and drink beer.” Several more times during the show, she invited him to drink beer with her.

    A beer-drinking supermodel? Is there some secret the Czechs have for drinking beer and still keeping slim?

  4. It’s the water! No, it’s not really. It’s more the lifestyle. People do things like “walk” here, instead of driving. I know you Californians will have trouble with this, but some places have these things called “sidewalks” where one can actually ‘walk’ (think of going to the kitchen, but you keep going, one foot in front of the other, for a mile or two) on the side of the road. (In the CZ this can be done with a beer, or two, in hand ‘ and you Americans clam to be free!) I’ve tried to do the same activity in Lost Angeleez, it just can’t be done there, even without the beer.

    On a side note: I had an opportunity today to listen to two Czech Babes discussing the expiration date on a bottle of German beer. They both agreed it had probably been there too long to be worth drinking – skoda! It’s a tough life here in the CZ!

  5. OK, I’ll bite. In addition to being a kind of car, what does skoda mean? (Keeping in mind that some children might read this blog, feel free to euphemize.)

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