Little Buddy – The Podcast!

Showing kindness to others is its own reward – especially when the ‘other’ is a three-headed kitten.


The long-overdue third in the series; I almost forgot how to do all this stuff. I did figure out why the audio quality was so different last time, but hell if I kept having problems with plosives this time around.

I also learned once more that writing for a performance and writing for readers is different. In some places I made edits to the story to help keep it clearer who was talking, and perhaps I should have done that a little more. Still, I’m pretty happy with the result. One of the downsides to using my favorite stories first is that I make my mistakes on them. Once I’m rich and famous I’ll go back and redo the first ones as well.

Anyway, enjoy!


Return of the Tree-Slayers

The United States Postal Service has opened up a new campaign. “Isn’t paper great!” they tell us. You can put your records in a filing cabinet and everyone loves that!

Way to go green, semi-governmental entity! While I’m at it, should I make stacks of tear-off sheets for this blog, so people can save what I wrote in a filing cabinet, too?